The global tally of COVID-19 cases surpassed 100 million on Tuesday, according to the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University.
The case count worldwide reached 100,032,461, with a total of 2,149,818 deaths, as of 2:22 p.m. EST (1922 GMT), the CSSE data showed. The large number of confirmed COVID-19 cases means more than one in every 80 people worldwide being infected with the virus.The United States remains the worst-hit country with more than 25 million confirmed cases and more than 400,000 deaths, respectively making up more than a quarter of the global cases and nearly 20 percent of the global deaths.After its outbreak, the COVID-19 pandemic has seen an upward spiral.It took months for global infections to cross the 10-million mark on June 28, 2020 since the very first reported case in late 2019. But the cases surged to 100 million from 90 million in just 16 days.
自去年年底英国发现变异新冠病毒以来,已有60多个国家和地区陆续报告了英国发现的变异病毒感染病例。此外南非、巴西等国家还发现了不同版本的变异病毒,也已经扩散至其他国家。而在南非、巴西发现的另外两个变异毒株,“具有的某些特征,可能使得现有疫苗不太容易对其有效”,令专家更为担忧。疫情呈现愈演愈烈的态势,面对传染力强的变异病毒可能造成的严重危害,众多国家开始布置新的禁令。当地时间25日,美国总统拜登签署行政令,重启特朗普时期解除的旅游禁令,来自于巴西、英国、南非、爱尔兰等国家的旅行者将被限制入境。为了应对严峻的疫情局势,荷兰议会近日推出了新的宵禁措施,引发不满情绪,多座城市发生暴力抗议。“在死亡率全球最高”的英国,第三轮封锁仍在继续;在中东地区,多个国家也于近期重新进入全面封锁状态。The discovery of new variants of the virus since December 2020 has caused governments around the world to impose fresh restrictions in past days.A faster-spreading coronavirus variant first reported in Britain has been detected in at least 60 countries, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).Meanwhile, the coronavirus variant first reported in Brazil has also been detected in multiple countries including China and the United Kingdom.Many pharmaceutical companies said their vaccines are effective against new variants, but there are limits.
随着多款新冠疫苗陆续获批,全球多国积极推进疫苗接种计划。但与此同时,疫苗分配不均的问题也越来越引发关注。1月18日,世卫组织总干事谭德塞在日内瓦总部警告“世界正处于灾难性道德失败的边缘”。他批评全球新冠疫苗分配不均,并指出至少有49个高收入国家已经接种了超过3,900万剂疫苗,而一个最低收入国家只得到25剂。自2020年12月15日中国开展重点人群新冠病毒疫苗接种工作以来,中国新冠病毒疫苗的接种人次正在有序攀升。截至1月26日,中国新冠疫苗已接种2276.7万剂次。中国通过双边和多边途径向相关国家和地区组织提供疫苗作为公共产品的举动受到各方称赞。据不完全统计,迄今已有40多个国家提出了进口中国新冠疫苗的需求,陆续有一些国家和地区批准中国疫苗注册上市或紧急使用。随着越来越多疫苗采购协议的签署,中国疫苗的可靠性以及中方推进疫苗国际合作之举得到了国际社会的高度肯定。而在大洋彼岸,美国辉瑞疫苗延迟交付的话题点燃了舆论圈。1月15日,美国辉瑞公司与德国生物新技术公司发表联合公告称,由于需要对辉瑞位于比利时皮尔斯的生产基地进行“生产流程的调整”,在接下来3至4周内给欧盟国家的新冠疫苗交付量将受到影响。这种单方面“违反承诺”的做法引发了欧洲多国的强烈反应。瑞典、丹麦、芬兰、立陶宛、拉脱维亚和爱沙尼亚致信欧盟委员会,要求欧委会向辉瑞和生物新技术公司施压,以确保疫苗交付及时、稳定和透明。迫于压力,辉瑞方面把延迟交付的时长缩短到一周,承诺从1月25日开始恢复正常。这种紧张关系持续升温,法国、意大利、波兰等国相继发话,辉瑞若不能实现承诺,将可能付诸法律手段。COVID-19 vaccination is underway in more than 50 countries. Despite the good news, vaccine distribution came as a drag. One criticism is vaccine nationalism. Outside the developed part of the world, the imbalance in distribution loomed large.While more than 39 million doses of vaccine have now been administered in at least 49 higher-income countries, just 25 doses have been given in one lowest-income country, Tedros said on January 18, warning of "a catastrophic moral failure."A week later, Tedros, citing two new studies, added that it would also be an economic failure if the world doesn't deliver equitable access to vaccines. "Vaccine nationalism might serve short-term political goals," he said at a media briefing. "But it's in every nation's own medium and long-term economic interest to support vaccine equity."Besides, there are also reports in recent days about vaccine delays and questions of the efficiency of some vaccines in consideration of extreme cold storage condition.